Sunday, February 20, 2011

Idaho Falls

This past monday my friend Tatiana and I were able to go to Idaho Falls.
It was such a blessing too.
I really needed to go to the chiropractor in IF, and Shannon didn't need her car that day, so she let us drive it. We didn't have anything we needed to do that day, and the quiz the next day didn't even require that you study in order to get a good grade.
So right after lunch, Tat and I jumped in the car with multiple mapquest directions, a gps, plenty of snacks, an ipod, and lots of cds. It is a really long, mountainous drive, but we had lots of fun just talking and singing along to the music.
When we got to Idaho Falls, we still had a little bit of time before my chiropractor appointment, so we went to Walmart (sadly, it is the closest one to my school). After a quick ATM stop and 3 near accidents because of stupid drivers (almost worse than chicago drivers, only with 1/4th of the skill), we got to my new chiropractor (who happens to be quite funny).
It was so amazing to be in alignment and straight again. I could not stop smiling for the rest of the afternoon, it felt that good.
The rest of the day was very good too. We went to Jack in the Box for dinner, treated ourselves to icecream, and tried to visit the museum of idaho. Even though it was closed, we weren't too dissapointed because we're pretty sure the only thing in there would've been a potato in a glass case. But despite this supposition, we still took a few pictures before getting some gas and heading back to school.
this bell was right outside the museum
On the long drive back, we almost got into another 3 accidents, only this time because of mule deer. But despite all the close calls, God definitly was protecting us and we never crashed and my back was never jarred so as to take it out of alignment.
Overall, God is very very good to me. I am so thankful that all the pieces went into place that allowed me to go to the much needed chiropractor. From Shannon's car to having a Colorado girl with fast reflexes drive me over the mountains, the whole day was just one huge blessing. Praise and thanks be to God.

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