First Evers

Now that I am in college, I've gotten to try a bunch of awesome new things. So, I've decided to keep a list.
This year I have:
seen the badlands at sunrise
Mt. Rushmore
seen the Teton mountain range at sunset
the top of Mt. Rendezvous
learned how to arrange flowers
got up close to a mama moose and her calf
chopped wood with an ax
went to a real, western rodeo
backpacking 5 days in the Jedadiah Smith wilderness
-repelled 70 ft. off a real cliff
-drank from a mountain spring
-ate squirrel
went on a guided bus tour of yellowstone (s. loop)
-seen Old Faithful Inn
-seen Old Faithful errupt
-seen the Midway Geyser Basin
-Excelsior geyser
-Grand Prismatic Spring
-Opal Pool
-Turquoise Pool
-seen a Semi truck with a bike rack on it
-Yellowstone Paint Pots (it's actually mud, not paint)
-Spasm Geyser
-Yellow Canyon waterfall
-upper and lower falls
-Dragon's Breath
-Mud Volcano
-saw bison
-saw elk
-saw pronghorn
-saw a golden eagle
-Yellowstone River and Lake
-ate antelope
Geology Roadtrip
-earthquake lake
-been to Montana, Idaho, Washington and Oregon
-drove through George, Washington
-saw wild quail
-saw channeled scab lands
-Camas praire ripples
-Grand Coulee dam
-mima mounds
-Ginko Petrified Forest State Park
-Mt. St. Helens
-7 wonders creation museum
-the buried A-frame
-Johnson Ridge Observatory
-saw beacon rock
-Multnomah Falls
-ate an elk burger
-Palouse Falls/Canyon
-Dry Falls
-Steamboat Rock
-climbed The Feathers
-drove through Starbuck
-Castle Lake
-Walula Gap
-Berlingame Canyon
passed out gospel tracts in Jackson
Ancient Man Caribbean Cruise
-Costa Maya, Mexico
-chacchoben ruins
-Belize City, Belize
-Old River tour
-saw howler monkeys, crocodile, and lots of iguanas
-ate traditional Belizian food
-Altun Ha ruins (and danced on top of it)
-Cozumel, Mexico
-Tulum Ruins
-ate snails
-ate duck
-apple soup-eww
-went through customs
-missed my flight
colonial dancing
ate bison
ate moose
saw the beginning of a dog sled race
went to the shooting range
-shot 9 different guns (2 .22 revolvers, 1 .22  gloc?, 1 9mm gloc, 1 .357 revolver, 1 .45 gloc, 2 .22 riffles, and an AR15)
made a snow angel while almost standing up (~ 45 degree angle)
went to the Rocky Mountain National Park
went to see the clydsdales at the budweiser factory
been inside an igloo
Colorado National Monument
Grand Canyon
Arches National Park
Canyonlands National Park
Natural Bridges National Park
Wupatki Indian Ruins
Zion National Park
Bryce Canyon
Fossil Butte
Green River Overlook
Sunset Crater
Glen Canyon Dam
Kodachrome State Park
Creation Speaking Seminar
went in a cave (Smalin Civil War Cave)
creation museum in strafford
held a madagascar hissing cockroach
saw world's largest rocking chair
fixed my own car
went to a vegetarian fast food place
crocheted hats that looked like a lion, a panda, and a zebra
made my own crochet patterns
made a tie-dye cake in a mason jar