Monday, March 14, 2011

Igloo Adventure

Although I usually try to keep my blog posts in chronological order, I've decided to write about the adventure I had with Sam today instead of writing about my spring break. Not because one was better than the other, but rather just because I feel like it.

So a while back, several of the boys here at school decided to make an igloo with the huge amounts of snow we get here in Jackson. Because neither Sam or I have ever been inside an igloo, we decided a while ago to one day go inside this igloo and take pictures to prove to all future generations that we have in fact been inside one.
Our plan was very do-able, seeing as the igloo was pretty structurally sound  and there was a path to get there and everything. The only problem was that we never found the time to actually do it. That is, until now.
You see, it has been so long since they originally made it and it's been getting much warmer lately, so we figured if we didnt do it soon we might never get the chance. So today, after finishing our outlining the book of Hebrews (awesome book by the way, you should definitely read it if you havent recently), we put on our boots and hiked out there.
Before spring break.
After spring break. Notice the lopsided decrepitness.
However, we've had so many snows since there was a path that there was no longer any easy way to get to it. So we just high-stepped through knee-high snow.

Once we were there, we decided it'd probably be best if I peeked inside to make sure there were no wild animals inside. There weren't any animals, but it did look like there were some mats and some blood on the ground.
After a brief second thought, I crawled in a bit, pulled a mat halfway out and crawled in. Once inside, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the "blood/poweraid"-looking stuff was really just candlewax. So I had Sam crawl in afterwards and we took some quick pictures before we decided to hurry out on account of it not looking all that sturdy.
Back on the outside, we both smiled and were glad that God gave us the chance to go on this adventure and that He had kept us safe from the melting igloo.
Now we are both on the lookout for new adventures around campus. It might take a bit before we find another, but we're not worried. After all, "Adventure is out there!"
Here are a few pictures:
Me about to crawl in.
Me inside an igloo!
Notice the light source on the left. Nope, it's not the entrance, it's a small hole the sun left in the side of the igloo.
It really wasn't that cold. It just seemed appropriate.
Sam as she army crawls her way inside.
Sam and I inside the igloo

Me in my best "Adventure is out there!" pose

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