Monday, May 16, 2011

Celebrity teachers

After we got back from the geology trip we had Ken Ham as our teacher for a few days. He's the president/ceo of Answers in Genesis, which is an organization dedicated to showing why the young-earth position and a literal Genesis account are both true and necessary considering both the evidence and the rest of the Bible. You see, when you don't have a literal Genesis, then you don't have a literal fall, literal sin, or a literal need for a Savior. So when you attack Genesis, you also attack the foundation of the Gospel. This is just a very brief and incomplete summary, but if you want to learn more about why Genesis is and needs to be literal history and you want to look at some more evidence, feel free to either contact me or go to . That week we also had to read a pre-publication copy of his new book Already Compromised. It was really fascinating and showed how incredibly off we usually are in our assumptions about christian colleges. It was incredible to find out how non-conservative the faculty is at supposedly the most conservative christian schools in america. It's a really good book. I highly recommend it.
I also got a picture with him :)

me and Ken Ham
The other celebrity teacher we had was Dr. Jason Lisle. I'm pretty sure he's the only full-time Christian astrophisicist there is. But don't quote me. He taught us about both apologetics and astronomy that week. He actually wrote a very good book on presuppositional apologetics called The Ultimate Proof. Basically, he showed us that the only worldview that can possibly account for the existence of laws of logic, morality, and the consistency of laws of nature is the Christian worldview. All other worldviews need to borrow from the Christian worldview in order to even argue against Christianity. You see, if there were no consistent, righteous, logical creator, then there would be no reason for us to expect to see a creation that is consistent and logical and we would have no basis for morality. Again, this is just very skeletal here and if you want to ask me questions about this I'd be more than happy to answer you to the best of my ability.
His book is another one I'd highly recommend you read. Especially if you have any interest in defending your faith whatsoever.
I also got a picture with him too :)

me and my friend Lish with Dr. Lisle
oh, and one night we went stargazing with a really big telescope and learned about how to find different stars and we looked at galaxies and star clusters and even the planet saturn. we also saw the space station, several satelites, and a bunch of shooting stars. it was a pretty awesome night :)

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