Saturday, August 13, 2011

Visits Galore

i almost titled this post "Visitations, not Solicitations, with Felicitations". but i figured that it was too long and too "tation" happy.

the past 2 weeks have been filled with all sorts of visits.
the first week in august, lish visited again. :) i got to her house around late afternoon, and after her sister's first birthday party, a huge torrential thunderstorm, getting totally soaked 4 times (as in "i went to a waterpark fully dressed" kind of soaked), waiting out part of the storm at an oasis, and singing songs about rain, we finally got to my house late at night.

the next morning, we woke up super early and were back on the road (only this time with my mom and dad) on the way to visiting cedarville. some might have questioned why i wanted to visit cedarville when i was going to be moving in in about 3 weeks. but i'm really glad i went because now i dont feel as nervous about getting lost and i'm now way more excited about going there. plus, lish is really considering transfering to cedarville next year. so it was really good that both of us got to go see what the campus is like.

we ended up getting there an hour later than what we'd scheduled with the cedarfolks because i forgot to take into account the time difference between IL and OH. so there was no time for the much anticipated lunch before the campus tour was to start. luckily, the tour was pretty interesting, so it helped to distract us from our grumbling bellies. after the tour was over, we quickly went to redeem our subway lunch vouchers. it was delicious. as the old addage goes, hunger is the very best seasoning.
after lunch, we stopped at a quaint little ice cream shop called "Mom and Dad's". it looked like a dive, and it was. but they had really good icecream :)

then it was back to my house. on thursday, brian stopped by on his way to his new teaching job. we all went out for lunch at lish and i's favorite indian place. we stopped for slurpees and took everything back to my house so we could listen to bollywood music on pandora while we ate.
after we finished eating, we had a hoot an' hollerin' good time catching up and making "sleep music" for lish (brian and i attempted to record soothing nature sounds. nature sounds? sort of. soothing? not really. more like hilarious).

on friday, lish and i just chilled around my house and watched some movies before driving back to her house, where we then watched even more movies (only this time with her awesome sisters :)).
the next morning, all the pascoe daughters and i went to the farmers market. let me tell you, i've never loved my dad's minivan more than when i had the 4 of us girls, baby mariah, and a stroller all fit comfortably in my car with room to spare. i'm totally getting a minivan when i'm older. i also kind of want to make a music video about a minivan now.

i got home saturday night and my dear aunt jeanie came from AZ on sunday. i love my aunt jeanie, but we only get to see her every couple of years. on monday, we went into the city and took a wendella boat tour of the city's architecture. then we took a water taxi to chinatown. that part wasnt nearly as fun as we thought it'd be. especially since it's a long walk from the taxi stop and there were no public restrooms to be found. plus, by that time it was raining.

here's my dad on the water taxi

wednesday was much more fun. jeanie, my mom, and i all went to lords park. i hadnt been there in years, and had forgotten most of what was there. we had a picnic lunch down by the lagoon with the ducks and geese. then we went to the public museum they have there. we also stopped to see the buffalo and elk habitats. overall, it was a really fun day.

me and my aunt jeanie at the museum in lords park

between visiting lish, visiting cedarville, visiting the farmers market, visiting with jeanie, visiting chicago, visiting chinatown, and visiting lords park, i'm somewhat visited out. i guess it's a good thing then that a week from today, i wont just be visiting cedarville, i'll be living there :)